
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ezekiel 38 & 39: The Russian Confederation of Islamic Nations?

God has told us about 2,500 years ago that there will be a time when Israel dwells in peace and is very rich. There will come a time when Russia forms a confederation of Islamic nations and they will come upon Israel for the plunder. God also alludes to something akin to a nuclear fallout as a result of this war. And it is clear to us that the Israeli Defense Forces are not involved. It is God who will step in to destroy the attacking armies. Strict instructions are given to Israel on the clean up that will take 7 months and only specific people can act on the clean up job. The prophecy is that specific.

That, in a nutshell, is what Ezekiel 38 and 39 is all about. This is a prophecy of a war that has yet to happen. And we believe that it is different from the Psalm 83 war and will take place after that war. Exactly when, we are not certain. It can be prior to the Rapture or sometime after the Rapture but it is after Israel clearly establishes its wealth for the world to see.

After the Psalm 83 war, the resulting Israel geography is believed to become bigger than it is today. Israel will possibly occupy extended land into Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Lebanon. This larger land may resemble closer to the geography of the Promised Land at the time of David. Again, remember, we are speculating as these wars have not yet happened. But clearly the stage is being set even now.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Out-of-Place Fossils

This posting is one of a series of articles to enlighten you to appreciate how to interpret the same data and evidence that evolutionists look at but from a biblical perspective. Creationists and Evolutionists all look at the same data but interpret using different perspectives.

The evidence is very compatible and consistent with what God says in Genesis. You will be amazed with the following article. We have added the latest pictures to assist you in the reading and understanding the issues.

Enter the Dragon

A recent discovery of nearly complete skull along with several neck vertebrae of the Dracorex was discovered in the Hell Creek formation in Northwest South Dakota, USA in May 2003 and subsequently donated to The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. The Children’s Museum referred to it as “a new type of dinosaur” that is “66-million-years-old” and “looks like a dragon”. The Children’s Museum displayed a placard next to a Dracorex image that read: “When we saw this creature’s head, we weren’t sure what kind of dinosaur it was. Its spiky horns, bumps and long muzzle looked more like a dragon”.

Dinosaurs in the Bible

How is it that the word "dinosaur" never appears in the Bible? We know for certain that dinosaurs existed in the past from the fossil records that have been excavated all over the world. How do we reconcile dinosaurs with the Bible?

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Who wrote Genesis?

Why is this a question to even ask?

The reason is that liberal German scholars have attempted to show that Genesis is not written by Moses and deliberated the various authorship according to the so-called styles by J (Jehovah/Yahwist) Text, E (Elohist) Text and P (Priestly) Text to explain the apparent variants they identified. This has caused great anxiety to many fundamental Christians as these German scholars tried to allude to the point that Genesis has been written and/or edited over many generations.

However, let us not lose heart. Modern scholarship does not negate the authority of Jesus Christ and the Bible. God has said it, we must believe it. Not blindly but factually.

To cut to the chase and save you hours of research and anguish in deciphering the Germanic scholarship, let us understand from the following passage first.

Luke 24:27 & 44

27 And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.
44 And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.

Jesus had no problems with according the authorship of Genesis to Moses (v27). In fact, Jesus ascribes the entire Torah or the Law to Moses (44). He did not complicate the scholarship of the text and shows us what God attest to - the Scriptures attest to Jesus must be fulfilled.

Now, if you do not believe what Jesus says, there is a much bigger problem than the scholarship of Genesis.

Suffice to say that since Jesus has no problem with Moses as the author of the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament, neither have we.

However, to satisfy the curiousity in our minds about the authorship of Genesis and to reaffirm our faith that it is Moses who wrote or compile it, we reproduce an excerpt of an excellent treatise on this matter by a faithful servant of Jesus Christ.

An Excerpt from "Who Wrote Genesis" by Henry M Morris pp25 - 30.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Prophecy on the Total Destruction of Damascus - Isaiah 17

Isaiah 17
1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
This is a very clear prophecy of Damascus that has yet to happen. It refers to Damascus being a ruinous heap. God declares that Damascus will be completely destroyed. Although it has been captured many times by many peoples, it has never ceased from its existence.

Damascus is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world. It has a present population of 1,711,000 (2009 est). It was first mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 14:15 in the War of the Kings where Abraham led a successful rescue of Lot who was captured when dwelling in Sodom.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Can we reconcile the Evolution Theory to Genesis 1?

Evolutionists will have to attempt to explain beyond Darwin's Theory of Evolution. They have to start from the very beginning of time, space and matter to explain how the universe began, how the stars and galaxies were formed, how the solar system started, how the earth and moon formed and then how life began the complex forms we now have here.

Since the 19th century, atheists have latched on the Theory of Evolution to explain the origins of everything without the need of God. As so-called science claims evidence of evolution, it challenged Christians to rethink Genesis 1 to explain in light of these so-called evidences. Evolutionists have claimed that "science" clearly proves from geology, anthropology, biology and cosmology that the origins of everything can be seen.

But is that true? Unfortunately, many Christians are not equipped to defend Genesis and have embedded evolution thinking into interpreting Genesis. The question we are asking today is this - can we reconcile the Evolution Theory to Genesis?

The Beginning

We believe that "in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" Gen 1:1. Summed up neatly in this verse is the origin of time (beginning - of creation, not of time itself), space (heaven) and matter (earth). God tells us that everything in this world is created by Him. We can see the intelligent design of this world and the designer is God. He told us so.

From the Big Bang Theory, nobody yet can explain what exploded, when it exploded and where it exploded. All they can tell us is that in the beginning (by faith), all energy and matter was squished into a small dot (by faith) and suddenly it exploded giving time, space and matter in that split second. Further to this, they will not be able to explain the origin of the natural laws like gravity, thermodynamics, etc. All of these must come into being else it cannot exist.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Psalm 83 - The End of the Palestinian Israeli Conflict?

We believe that the Psalm 83 prophecy is at hand. It is within our generation. Current news are shaping up for its fulfillment. As we approach the application of this prophecy to current news, we must be mindful not to be dogmatic to the application. We can be dogmatic to the doctrines but not how it is applied to a yet to be fulfilled prophecy.

As bible prophecy students, we must be aware that God is setting the stage for this Psalm to be fulfilled, more so in our days than any other previous period. Again, we must be duly reminded that we cannot be sure of everything and we must speculate on how God is working but yet guided by His prophecy that must be fulfilled literally as He says.

Psalm 83 was written 3,000 years ago but we believe that although as a national lament psalm, it has never been a time of its applicability like today. Let us take a closer look and we can see why the fulfillment of prophecy is at hand.

Hermeneutics - Your method of interpretation matters

Biblical hermeneutics is the study of the principles of interpretation concerning the books of the Bible. It is the science of interpretation rather than the art of it. How you interpret the bible will bring you to different meanings in your study of God's word. The world of higher learning has made this way to complex for Christians to appreciate and God does not need us to be a theologian to understand His word.

He has promised us the Spirit of Truth to guide us into all truth. His word is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that we might be prepared for good works.

In studying prophecy or creation science, it is not different. Our method of interpretation matters a lot to our doctrines and hence, our faith.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Update to Readers #1

Greetings to all.

We trust that this finds you all in good health and good spirits.

We have spent some time updating this blog to make it more accessible for your casual or serious study. Both the Creation Science and Prophecy series are simultaneously uploaded every day. The new articles are denoted by [NEW] and updated articles are denoted by [UPDATED]. Over a period of time, these tags will be removed as they will no longer be applicable. They are intended for you who comes regularly to know what new or updated materials are available.

Regardless of your theological leanings for both eschatology and creation, we trust that you will find materials here that can shed light which you may not have otherwise encountered. It is with our humblest prayers that God does the teaching and this blog and speaker(s) become the vessels and medium He so uses. Let God speak for Himself for He says what He means and means what He says.

We trust you will find the materials here a useful reference especially after attending the workshops. Do give us your feedback and comments and we hope to improve this over time.

Do forward to anyone whom you think will benefit from these materials for their spiritual growth. Remind them that the end is at hand, truly, it is very near indeed.

God bless your studies and your curiosity to inquire into His Word.

The Editor

Latest News To Watch

1.  Recently, Israel's Tamar field which came online in March with an estimated 10 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas, can meet the nation's needs for decades. The nearby Leviathan field, which is expected to begin production in 2016, is estimated to hold 19 tcf. Some Israeli leaders are now mooting a country stance of "gas for peace" strategy, offering its energy resources to neighbors at discounted prices to cement peace ties. (read here). [This is the stage set for Eze 38-39 when the war is about the wealth of Israel. Besides gas, Israel will also be rich in oil. Stay tuned for more latest news.]