
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Update to Readers #1

Greetings to all.

We trust that this finds you all in good health and good spirits.

We have spent some time updating this blog to make it more accessible for your casual or serious study. Both the Creation Science and Prophecy series are simultaneously uploaded every day. The new articles are denoted by [NEW] and updated articles are denoted by [UPDATED]. Over a period of time, these tags will be removed as they will no longer be applicable. They are intended for you who comes regularly to know what new or updated materials are available.

Regardless of your theological leanings for both eschatology and creation, we trust that you will find materials here that can shed light which you may not have otherwise encountered. It is with our humblest prayers that God does the teaching and this blog and speaker(s) become the vessels and medium He so uses. Let God speak for Himself for He says what He means and means what He says.

We trust you will find the materials here a useful reference especially after attending the workshops. Do give us your feedback and comments and we hope to improve this over time.

Do forward to anyone whom you think will benefit from these materials for their spiritual growth. Remind them that the end is at hand, truly, it is very near indeed.

God bless your studies and your curiosity to inquire into His Word.

The Editor

Latest News To Watch

1.  Recently, Israel's Tamar field which came online in March with an estimated 10 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas, can meet the nation's needs for decades. The nearby Leviathan field, which is expected to begin production in 2016, is estimated to hold 19 tcf. Some Israeli leaders are now mooting a country stance of "gas for peace" strategy, offering its energy resources to neighbors at discounted prices to cement peace ties. (read here). [This is the stage set for Eze 38-39 when the war is about the wealth of Israel. Besides gas, Israel will also be rich in oil. Stay tuned for more latest news.]

2.  The murder of a soldier in London, the stabbing of a soldier in Paris and the violent outbreak in Sweden – Europe's alarm clock has been ringing once again over the past week. The negative birthrate compared to the increase in Muslims, the heavy unemployment and the social-religious isolation of European immigrants are all back on the agenda. According to many, demographics, which is the topic for many studies, is the red light. It points to the path in which the continent is headed – the European birthrate is at a continuous standstill while Muslim immigrants are doubling their rates. (read here). [Islam seems to be unstoppable in taking over Europe. The stage is being set for EU to be the revived Roman Empire, unifying them in many ways. Meanwhile, pay close attention to the new phenomenon called "Chrislam", the combination of Christianity and Islam. There will be a universal religion at the end days. Could this be it?]

3.  Dinosaurs may have farted themselves to extinction, according to a new study from British scientists. The researchers calculated that the prehistoric beasts pumped out more than 520 million tons (472 million tonnes) of methane a year -- enough to warm the planet and hasten their own eventual demise. Until now, an asteroid strike and volcanic activity around 65 million years ago had seemed the most likely cause of their extinction. (read here). [Most dinosaurs died in Noah's Flood Gen 7-8 while some smaller ones may still be around today. Many dinosaur stories from ancient cultures and artifacts depicting dinosaurs are found around the world, proving that man has seen dinosaurs. How sure are the scientists that dinosaurs are extinct?]

4.  Prof Richard Dawkins told the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams: “What I can’t understand is why you can’t see the extraordinary beauty of the idea that life started from nothing – that is such a staggering, elegant, beautiful thing, why would you want to clutter it up with something so messy as a God?”

Dr Williams replied that he “entirely agreed” with the “beauty” of Prof Dawkins’s argument but added: “I’m not talking about God as an extra who you shoehorn on to that.” There was surprise when Prof Dawkins acknowledged that he was less than 100 per cent certain of his conviction that there is no creator. Prof Dawkins said that he was “6.9 out of seven” sure of his beliefs. “I think the probability of a supernatural creator existing is very very low,” he added. (read here). [Richard Dawkins finally admits that his evolution religious beliefs which cannot be proven cannot discount God fully out of the picture either. God cannot be taken out of His creation. Yahweh is the Creator, whether Richard Dawkins like it or not.]

5.  The question of whether man was specially created directly from the hand of God or whether he evolved from an ape-like creature has long been a controversial issue. In today’s secular culture it is common to view the biblical history of Adam as a story, myth, or a parable but this is now also becoming the standard interpretation for many within the evangelical community.

In order to understand Genesis this way we have to sacrifice the clear teaching of the Bible to fit with a particular evolutionary view of earth’s history. (Read here). [If there is no Adam, there is no sin. And there will be no death. Which means no need of salvation. And Jesus did not die on the cross. And Satan wins - we shall all be gods. Be very careful with your studies in Genesis. It is the foundation of your faith. If Genesis falls, so does your Scriptural foundations.]

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