
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Hermeneutics - Your method of interpretation matters

Biblical hermeneutics is the study of the principles of interpretation concerning the books of the Bible. It is the science of interpretation rather than the art of it. How you interpret the bible will bring you to different meanings in your study of God's word. The world of higher learning has made this way to complex for Christians to appreciate and God does not need us to be a theologian to understand His word.

He has promised us the Spirit of Truth to guide us into all truth. His word is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that we might be prepared for good works.

In studying prophecy or creation science, it is not different. Our method of interpretation matters a lot to our doctrines and hence, our faith.

You should approach the Bible like any other literature. It is God's written word for us to read, study, memorize and apply. It is not a mysterious book although it does contain mysteries. It is not a symbolic book although it contains symbols. It is God's communication to us. As such, we should read it for all it is worth.

We should read it literally unless it is clear that it isn't. Then again, we should always let God speak. That mean we should always interpret Scripture with Scripture and not our own imaginations or experiences.

That said, there are many Christians who interpret the bible allegorically. They tend to symbolize or spiritualize the meanings of Scripture.

So how you interpret the Scripture will lead you to understand prophecy and the bible differently. For example, if you hold to the allegorical approach, you will tend to observe an Amillennial position where there is no 1,000 year kingdom of Jesus and that we are already in the millenium, a symbolic age and there is no rapture. Along the continuum, we have those who hold to a position that is Post-Millennial, that the 2nd coming of Jesus will be after the millenium for the final judgment. The Pre-Millennial position is one that believes in the 2nd coming of Jesus prior to the millenium and to reign during the millenium. You will tend to take this position if you interpret the Scripture literally.

With the Pre-Millennial position, the belief of when the rapture of the church takes place also differs to one that is before the tribulation (Pre-Tribulation), one that is at the middle of the tribulation (Mid-Tribulation) and one that is after the tribulation (Post-Tribulation).

It is important that you understand your own position. We believe God says what He means and means what He says. Hence, the literal approach is best suited to understand what God wants to teach us. Else we will have a difficult time understanding His word because in an allegorical approach, you can almost make the Bible say what you want because there is no fixed basis. It is a matter of personal appeal and what you feel best suits the meaning of the passages.

Most churches and seminaries tend to teach the allegorical approach to interpretation. Few churches hold to the literal approach. However, this matter is not to be decided by numbers but by principle. How does God speak to us? When it is clearly non-literal, the Bible will be very clear. There is no worries to read the Bible as it is.


Finally, in bible prophecy, the allegorical approach will lead to Replacement Theology where the Church replaces Israel in God's focus today and that Israel forfeited their right when they nailed Jesus to the cross. This will also mean that to them, Israel is no longer important and does not need any special treatment. The focus is on the Church. Hence, there is no tribulation period and Revelation is a depiction of the struggle of Good over Evil to comfort the ones who are suffering.

In the literal approach, we believe that God deals with the Church and Israel separately and that Israel will be preserved by God for the tribulation period. There will also be a rapture of the Church and Jesus will return to reign as King. Hence, Israel is very much a focus of God and things that God says will happen with them.

We trust that you will come to terms with your own approach to interpreting Scripture and may the Holy Spirit guide you in this matter.

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