
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Psalm 83 - The End of the Palestinian Israeli Conflict?

We believe that the Psalm 83 prophecy is at hand. It is within our generation. Current news are shaping up for its fulfillment. As we approach the application of this prophecy to current news, we must be mindful not to be dogmatic to the application. We can be dogmatic to the doctrines but not how it is applied to a yet to be fulfilled prophecy.

As bible prophecy students, we must be aware that God is setting the stage for this Psalm to be fulfilled, more so in our days than any other previous period. Again, we must be duly reminded that we cannot be sure of everything and we must speculate on how God is working but yet guided by His prophecy that must be fulfilled literally as He says.

Psalm 83 was written 3,000 years ago but we believe that although as a national lament psalm, it has never been a time of its applicability like today. Let us take a closer look and we can see why the fulfillment of prophecy is at hand.

1 [A Psalm or Song of Asaph.] Keep not silence, O God: hold not your peace, and be not still, O God.
[This is a lament and appealing to God to act. It appears that God has not done anything but keeping quiet. This psalm is a prayer to move the hand of God to take action.]

 2 For, lo, your enemies make a tumult: and they that hate you have lifted up the head.

[The reason being the enemies of God is making a big uproar and these people who hate God have decided to stand up for their cause.]

 3 They have taken crafty counsel against your people, and consulted against your hidden ones.

[These people have decided to join forces to go against Israel, God's people.]

 4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

[Their intent is to get together and wipe out Israel as a nation and obliterate them from history.]

 5 For they have consulted together with one consent: they make a covenant against you: 

[They have come to agreement as a confederation united to act. This act is against God, not just the people of God.]

As we can see, the war cry of the Palestinians and the Arab nations is united to wipe out Israel. The Palestinian cause is to take back the entire land without the presence of Israel. The PLO constitution is to push back Israel into the Mediterranean Sea. They are all united to obliterate Israel. Speeches by Ahmedinejad of Iran has resounded in the United Nations. But the world does not quite believe the intention of the Arab nations until it really happens.

We can clearly see that the existence of such people living around Israel harbors such intent and they are united to this cause. We can literally understand that God is referring to our times and we must pay close attention to the Psalm.

The Players

The Bible uses ancient names to refer to the people who are bent on destroying Israel. Let us discover their Present Day names. There are some which we may not be very clear on but generally, most of the names are well known.
  1. Edom - Jordan to Arabia; the tabenacles of Edom may also refer to the Palestinian refugee camps all over the place in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.
  2. Ishmaelites - Saudi Arabia (North)
  3. Moab - Jordan (South)
  4. Hagrites - Egypt; maybe Saudi Arabia (North)
  5. Gebal - Lebanon
  6.  Ammon - Jordan (North, Central)
  7. Amalek - Jordan
  8. Philistines - Gaza (Hamas)
  9. Tyre - Lebanon (South) (Hezbollah)
  10. Assyria - Syria, Iraq, Turkey

Key Points

Observe that the Psalm does not tell us what happens at the end. We believe that Israel will prevail and preserved by God for the Tribulation and we place this war to happen before the Tribulation.

We are also mindful that this war is fought between Israel and the nations that share a common border with Israel today. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) plays a key role to defend Israel as in all previous wars launched upon Israel by the Arab nations.

We also believe that as Israel prevails over the definitive war of the Palestinian conflict that Israel will also occupy parts of the lands of the losing nations. Perhaps we will see Israel expanding into Jordan in the East, Lebanon and Syria in the North and Egypt in the South. All of Gaza, the West Bank and Golan Heights will no longer be claimed by the losing nations.

This is speculative on our part. Please be mindful that we are sharing our observations and views as God sets the stage for the fulfillment of Psalm 83. You, too, can observe that the fulfillment is at hand and can happen in our lifetime, soon!


We recommend you to consider the video below by Bill Salus as he describes his view on Psalm 83.

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