
Monday, June 10, 2013

Can we reconcile the Evolution Theory to Genesis 1?

Evolutionists will have to attempt to explain beyond Darwin's Theory of Evolution. They have to start from the very beginning of time, space and matter to explain how the universe began, how the stars and galaxies were formed, how the solar system started, how the earth and moon formed and then how life began the complex forms we now have here.

Since the 19th century, atheists have latched on the Theory of Evolution to explain the origins of everything without the need of God. As so-called science claims evidence of evolution, it challenged Christians to rethink Genesis 1 to explain in light of these so-called evidences. Evolutionists have claimed that "science" clearly proves from geology, anthropology, biology and cosmology that the origins of everything can be seen.

But is that true? Unfortunately, many Christians are not equipped to defend Genesis and have embedded evolution thinking into interpreting Genesis. The question we are asking today is this - can we reconcile the Evolution Theory to Genesis?

The Beginning

We believe that "in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" Gen 1:1. Summed up neatly in this verse is the origin of time (beginning - of creation, not of time itself), space (heaven) and matter (earth). God tells us that everything in this world is created by Him. We can see the intelligent design of this world and the designer is God. He told us so.

From the Big Bang Theory, nobody yet can explain what exploded, when it exploded and where it exploded. All they can tell us is that in the beginning (by faith), all energy and matter was squished into a small dot (by faith) and suddenly it exploded giving time, space and matter in that split second. Further to this, they will not be able to explain the origin of the natural laws like gravity, thermodynamics, etc. All of these must come into being else it cannot exist.

And where did light come from? The Bible tells us that God said "Let there be light, and there was light" Gen 1:4. From the Big Bang Theory, light must have been part of that dot which exploded. What cannot be explained must be squished into that dot. Can you see how all of these explanations require faith to believe? There is no empirical evidence to prove this at all.

Of course, scientists who believe in the Big Bang will show you charts of Red Shift, the remnant of the sound captured from the edge of space, and tells you that this is all too complex for the normal person to understand. We just have to accept (blindly) that this is all true. But is it?

Suffice to say that anyone who thinks they have the explanation of the origin of the universe with the Big Bang Theory requires an enormous amount of faith to believe in it. Hence, some has called the Big Bang Theory or Evolution a religion as it requires faith. The evidence is just not there.

Nobody can repeat the origin of the universe. Hence, this is a matter of HISTORY, a one-time event that occurred in the past. How far back in time, nobody knows, but the one who was there. And we believe that He is the God of the Universe, our Creator God. He has shown us how far back in time all these things in Genesis 1 happened. But do you believe in it or you rather believe in so-called science which requires faith?

From Bang to Stars or Galaxies?

As we progress from the Big Bang (which requires faith to believe), how did the stars come about? Did the stars form first then comes the galaxies or the reverse? Evolutionists tells us that the formation of stars come from the explosion (or death) of many stars else there is not enough energy to compress the gas into matter. Then if you need stars to form another star, where did the first stars come from? And why don't we see many stars exploding (or dying) to form another star? Nobody has seen a star born but we are seeing the end of stars in the nova or supernova.

Did you know that nobody knows exactly how the moon came about? There is much speculation but until today, there is no specific theory that is widely accepted. Some say that the earth caught a foreign object in space as it passed by. Why is it round? Why is the earth and the planets all round? Some say that the moon is from the Pacific Ocean. How did it get up there in orbit?

We read from the Bible that God made the stars, sun and moon on Day 4. God placed them there for signs and seasons (Gen 1:14). We are told that each of them have a purpose and does not exist by accident as from the Big Bang. We can see that the formation of stars have guided sailors and travelers who journeyed far and wide without GPS and they have successfully used the stars, sun and moon to guide them. Stars includes the planets in our solar system too.

The moon has its function too. It was made on Day 4 before the sea creatures were created. The seas were already separated from dry land into one place on Day 3. Plant life came into existent on Day 3. This is in preparation of animal life on Day 6. The moon is required to give tides to the seas to stir them so they will not be stagnated. It is placed sufficiently far away so as not to cause tidal waves but not too far where its gravity will have no effect. Then on Day 5, life in the sea was created. One of the life in the sea is phytoplankton, a simple life form that God created to ensure that there is oxygen and food to sustain life. Scientists now believes that at least 50% of the world's oxygen comes from these sea life and the rest comes from plant life on land. The moon stirs the water to ensure that oxygen is circulated to sustain life in the sea.

What about Life?

The Evolutionists will now tell you that life popped up suddenly in a primordial soup in simple life forms like the single celled amoeba or the equivalent, exactly what it was, we really do not know. In the days of Darwin, when the microscope was not so developed, scientist guessed that a cell is just a black box of very simplistic life. Today, we know that a single cell is as complex as a city with systems and processes that is so well defined. How can such a cell evolve from non-life material (spontaneous generation)? It can't.

The law of biogenesis was defined by Louis Pasteur and he disproved spontaneous generation. He stated that "all life is from life" and a related statement that "all cells are from cells". There is no such thing of the law of abiogenesis where life comes from non-life. However, Evolutionist theorized that this abiogeneis "must have happened" once in Earth's history. But there is no evidence whatsoever. Hence, you must have faith to believe that life came from non-life.

The Bible tells us that God made plant life on Day 3, birds and sea life on Day 5, land animal life and man on Day 6. God spoke all life into existence except for the creation of man. He was special and God tells us that He made man in His image, both male and female. Moreover, every life form that God created was to "bring forth after its kind". Today, we can clearly understand that God had programmed the DNA life code into all life forms on earth. They cannot become another "kind" and from our understanding of genetics, one cannot change into a different life form because there is no genetic information in the DNA to take on those characteristics. Hence, DNA points to an intelligent designer and that designer is God.

Evolution Explanations cannot follow the order of Creation

As you can now tell, the explanations afforded by Evolutionists cannot follow the order of Creation as recorded in Genesis 1. Day 1 of the Big Bang must be followed by Day 4 of the galaxies and back to Day 1 of the origin of the earth and then to Day 3 of Plant Life or Day 6 of Land Animal life before Day 5 of Sea Life and eventually lead to Day 6 of Man.

The gap of billions and millions of years also will not bear any meaning for if Plant Life had to evolve over hundreds of millions of years, there is no evidence to this effect at all. When Plant Life exist in Day 3 and it takes millions of years before the Sun came into existence in Day 4, there will not be any Plant Life any longer. But if is just a gap of 1 Day, that is not a problem. In fact, Evolutionists cannot tell the evolution of plant life. They spend all their time trying to find evidence of human life to fill the "missing links" which will remain missing.

The evolution theories put land animals before sea animals, sun before earth, because they are attempting to explain this world without God. And they claim to solely use naturalistic explanations but they cannot explain where the laws of nature come from. Are they not putting the cart before the horse? They assume or believe these laws just happen to exist as we now know it and use this to explain the past being a uniformed history, which we know is not uniform at all. The earth has seen a mega catastrophe in Noah's Flood which can explain all the effects we see in the geological column across the world.


If we are honest, there is really no way to reconcile the explanations for the origin of the universe and of life using evolution theories. You cannot fit this into the Days of Creation in Genesis 1. Although some Christians invent the Gap Theory to attempt to explain the billion of years and that Genesis 1 talk about the re-creation of a destroyed Pre-Adamite world, they begin to wade into dangerous grounds of dwelling on what God never says.

It is either Evolution Theory by itself or Genesis 1 by itself and the two cannot mix nor can Genesis adapt Evolution Theory. You will have to tell a pretty far fetched story to weave Evolution into God's Creation account. And it remains a story, not truth.

If we read Genesis as how God lays it out of us, there is no contradiction with known scientific evidence and laws. God created the world in 6 days and how he did it, the sequence He did it, and why He did it, is clearly known to us. Read Genesis 1 carefully and prayerfully and you can see the wonderful wisdom of God proven by real science.

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