
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Carl Werner - Spectacular Production on Creation

In his sophomore year of college, Dr. Carl Werner was challenged by a fellow classmate with these words: “I bet you can’t prove evolution.” Disturbed by his classmate’s somewhat poignant criticisms of the theory, Dr. Werner (a biology major at the time) pondered this conversation for some time. From this point, he began his quest for an answer.
Driven by his stringent scientific background and exceedingly curious nature, Dr. Werner read and researched every topic he could find on evolution, including geology, biology, paleontology, biochemistry and cosmology. After 18 years of study, Dr. Werner considered himself ready to begin a series of experiments by which to test evolution.
For the next 14 years, 1997-2011, Dr. Werner traveled to the best museums and dig sites around the globe photographing thousands of original fossils and the actual fossil layers where they were found.
Dr Carl Werner has since produced 2 videos that can be considered the most stellar of all videos on Creation and Evolution. It has the quality of the most professional cinematography, particularly the underwater scenes.

Volume 1 is called Evolution: The Grand Experiment that clearly teaches us about the Theory of Evolution and how each of the major facet of the theory has since been disproved beyond a shadow of doubt. Evolution scientists share their honest views about the lack of fossil evidence as well as hoaxes that some zealous evolutionists will concoct to try to "prove" their faith in evolution. The video clearly shows in no uncertain terms that evolution remains to be a broken theory without a shred of evidence although many scientists remain adamant that they will find the proofs one day in the future. After 150 years and millions of fossils collected and still not a shred of evidence for the Theory of Evolution.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Obama and Romney will propagate teaching Evolution in schools

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, the two key US Presidential candidates in the coming November Presidential election, have an unbiblical stand with regards to the issue of creation of the world.

Before anyone misunderstand this issue, the primary concern is that Evolution Theory and Intelligent Design/Biblical Creation are diametrically opposed to each other. Whilst some Christians may stand up and declare that they believe that God created but used evolution to make happen the creation account, a deeper understanding of the evolution theory will show the many flaws in putting God alongside evolution.

The fact remains that evolution theory and God is incompatible and mutually exclusive. It is either "in the beginning God" or "in the beginning dirt" happened and not both. Any attempts to harmonize evolution theory with God shows a shallow understanding of the theory and a problematic knowledge of God.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Romney vs Obama? OMG!

The verdict is out. The Republicans have their Presidential Candidate in Mitt Romney and he will stand against the most likely Democrat candidate in Barack Hussein Obama, the incumbent President of the United States of America.

What is happening in the US? Can't the Americans find any better candidates than these out of over 300 million people?

Mitt Romney is a devout Mormon so will he legalize polygamy? Can he stand up to Obama and the world on the support of honor of Israel?

Barack Obama just announced support for gay marriages, the first by a US President. And it should no longer be a surprise. US is no longer a Christian state. It has become a secular state with a President who is either a nominal Christian or a closet Muslim who has been questioned if he is really a natural born American given that nobody knows of his real birth as alleged in Hawaii. News has it that his father is not an American citizen. But this has been obliterated from the media ad being politically incorrect to question Obama.

Anyway, neither of of these President and Presidential Candidate appear to be able to reestablish the US as a superpower as we used to know. Some have even gone as far as saying if Obama garners the votes for another term, it will be irreparable and the US will cease as a superpower.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Questions We Must Ask Regarding The PALESTINE State

Politicians and interested people who feel that Palestinians are the oppressed while ignoring the terrorist acts and groups in the form of the PLO and Hamas seem to have glossed over historical facts.

IQ Al-Rassooli posited some very relevant questions which all of us should honestly answer before we conclude the position of the state of Palestine and the so-called Palestinian people.

As much as many civilizations have left marks in history including the Mayans, Egyptians, Chinese, Sumerians, Assyrians and even Israel, what did the Palestinians leave in the times of history for us to understand?

Here are more questions to ponder (for more, read here).

  • When was the country of Palestine founded and by whom?
  • Where did the Palestinian people originate from?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Experts Warn of Tokyo's "Big One"

In an AFP report today, Japanese scientists are warning anew that Tokyo could soon be hit by a quake that will kill thousands and cause untold damage (read here).

Jesus gave us the end times prophecy highlighting that there will be signs of earthquakes in divers places.
Matt 24
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

This is another sure sign of the times not because of an earthquake happening but the frequency and the intensity of these earthquakes happening.