
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Experts Warn of Tokyo's "Big One"

In an AFP report today, Japanese scientists are warning anew that Tokyo could soon be hit by a quake that will kill thousands and cause untold damage (read here).

Jesus gave us the end times prophecy highlighting that there will be signs of earthquakes in divers places.
Matt 24
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

This is another sure sign of the times not because of an earthquake happening but the frequency and the intensity of these earthquakes happening.

The key to understanding the signs that Jesus taught is found in the words "beginning of sorrows". It literally means the commencement of birth pangs. Given that earthquakes happen all the time, the beginning of sorrows typifies the fact that such earthquakes will be more frequent and more intense than ever before. Just as birth pangs happen, women can tell you that the pain is now more frequent and the intensity is getting greater. She can tell when the child will be delivered.

The Japan earthquake that happened last March 11 was recorded at 9.0 magnitude. This is by far the strongest quake since the 9.1 quake off northern Sumatra. The point of interest in light of prophecy is the frequency of these massive quakes.

Take a look at the information provided by USGS (read here) and you can quickly tell the trends which are matching birth pangs.

The first massive 9.0 quake was recorded in Kamchatka in 1952. Then came the biggest 9.5 quake in Chile in 1960. This was followed by the 9.1 quake in Alaska in 1964.

For a long time, there were smaller quakes in the 8 point scale. Suddenly, in 2004, a 9.1 monster quake triggered tsunamis in Northern Sumatra. Last year in 2011, a 9.0 quake hit off Japan.

With this AFP report, a bigger quake means something beyond 9.0 to soon hit Japan again. This is a sure sign of increased frequency and at an intensity beyond imagination.

Do not let the 9.0 and such numbers mislead you. They are numbers that depict serious monster quakes that we have never seen in our life time, not even in recorded history. Perhaps the Krakatoa quake was of such magnitude but we will never know.

What is important is that we can clearly see the signs of the end times in our life time now. It is unambiguous and sure.

What will you do about it?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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