
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Questions We Must Ask Regarding The PALESTINE State

Politicians and interested people who feel that Palestinians are the oppressed while ignoring the terrorist acts and groups in the form of the PLO and Hamas seem to have glossed over historical facts.

IQ Al-Rassooli posited some very relevant questions which all of us should honestly answer before we conclude the position of the state of Palestine and the so-called Palestinian people.

As much as many civilizations have left marks in history including the Mayans, Egyptians, Chinese, Sumerians, Assyrians and even Israel, what did the Palestinians leave in the times of history for us to understand?

Here are more questions to ponder (for more, read here).

  • When was the country of Palestine founded and by whom?
  • Where did the Palestinian people originate from?
  • What were Palestine's borders?
  • Who were its neighbours?
  • What language did the Palestinians speak?
  • What writing did they use?
  • What manuscripts or records did they leave whether written or engraved?
  • What was their religion?
  • Where are their temples?
  • What monuments attest to their existence?
  • What was the name of their capital?
  • Name its other major cities.
  • What was their currency called?
  • Are there any coins that attest to their economy?
  • What was Palestine's form of government?
  • Name its kings or rulers.
  • What are their achievements?
  • With which other peoples did the Palestinians interact?
  • Where can one find any records where in the name of the country of Palestine or its people are mentioned?
  • What Archaeological sites can one name?
  • Where can one find the recorded history of these people?
  • Whom did they conquer or were conquered by?
  • Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or even now, leaves no room for misunderstanding?
  • Can anyone name at least Five Palestinian leaders before Arafat?
  • Since there is no such recognized country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?
  • Those who are lamenting the 'low sinking' of a 'once proud' nation, please tell us, when exactly was this proud nation brought down?
  • By whom was it brought down?
  • Also, what was it so proud of?

Real food for thought!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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