
Monday, June 4, 2012

Romney vs Obama? OMG!

The verdict is out. The Republicans have their Presidential Candidate in Mitt Romney and he will stand against the most likely Democrat candidate in Barack Hussein Obama, the incumbent President of the United States of America.

What is happening in the US? Can't the Americans find any better candidates than these out of over 300 million people?

Mitt Romney is a devout Mormon so will he legalize polygamy? Can he stand up to Obama and the world on the support of honor of Israel?

Barack Obama just announced support for gay marriages, the first by a US President. And it should no longer be a surprise. US is no longer a Christian state. It has become a secular state with a President who is either a nominal Christian or a closet Muslim who has been questioned if he is really a natural born American given that nobody knows of his real birth as alleged in Hawaii. News has it that his father is not an American citizen. But this has been obliterated from the media ad being politically incorrect to question Obama.

Anyway, neither of of these President and Presidential Candidate appear to be able to reestablish the US as a superpower as we used to know. Some have even gone as far as saying if Obama garners the votes for another term, it will be irreparable and the US will cease as a superpower.

When this happen, the stage will be set for another world superpower to come on the world scene and it will come from the revived Roman Empire. Whether it be the European Union or another in the same likeness is left to be seen.

The EU have their own set of problems to tackle right now with Greece and Spain in the dumps. It is widely believed that the EU will survive this episode and come out stronger than before. Will they eclipse the US is left to be seen.
Come November, there may appear independent Presidential Candidates that can stand up to Obama and stand up to the rest of the world. Maybe it will be another first that an Independent can be a President.

Controversial Newt Gingrich was about the only candidate who could see the realities of Israel, Palestine and the Islamic threat to the US. He was the only one who could verbalize the US position to stand up amongst the crowd of Presidential hopefuls. Alas, he too bit the dust.

So will this be the start of the demise of the great USA, the only world superpower, the great Satan of the Islamic world?

Today as like no other times, the US has aligned the closest to the Islamic states and it appears so unlikely given that the 9/11 event is still so fresh in everybody's minds.

Everything in the Bush's retaliation of Iraq in search of Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Afghanistan war and the unholy alliance with Pakistan spelt error after error for the US. When most of the hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, why did Bush fight Saddam in Iraq? This is most incomprehensible.

Now with Obama who made serious freudian slips saying he was visiting 57 states (there are 57 Muslim majority states in the world today) and spoke regarding his Muslim faith (until he was corrected), we have the first US President who has made strong allies with key Islamic nations as well as the Muslim Brotherhood, the same group who is believed to have funded Osama bin Laden. This very same group is now seen to be taking over the countries of the so-called Arab Spring. Instead of gaining democracy, these countries will dive deep into being full fledge Islamic states.

What is going to happen to the US? And more importantly what is going to happen to the US-Israel relationship especially with Iran bent on going nuclear soon, whose President will not hesitate using nuclear weapons on Israel?

Can Obama stand this test? Or can Romney do it? Because there is nobody else out there in the world today. Or is it the mysterious Revelation 13 beast from the earth?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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