
Friday, December 30, 2011

Israel has tangible evidence to their claim of the Temple Mount

For a few years now, the Mufti of Jerusalem has publicly denied that the Jewish Temple ever existed on the Temple Mount. Back in 2010, Muhammad Hussein said on PA TV:
“They [the Jews] claim that the Al-Aqsa Mosque was built over the ruins of the alleged Temple. The construction of these buildings [by Israel], and the synagogues with the large, wide domes [in Jerusalem] – all of this is meant to erase the remains of the Islamic culture and to replace them with [their] alleged culture, through the power of occupation.” (read here)
This is called "Temple Denial" and has been cultivated since the 1967 Six Day War. This so-called Temple Denial goes against all historical evidence including those of the Classic Islamic literature (read here).

This latest discovery by Israeli archaeologists of a first century second temple seal provides now solid evidence of Jewish worship at the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. This button sized seal with an inscription in Aramaic was found with oil lamps, earthenware, and containers filled with oils and perfumes all of which are artifacts that date back to the period of the Hasmoneans and the time of the second Jewish temple in Jerusalem.

Clearly, we can see that regardless how the Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine makes his baseless claims, it is evident that God will sort this out clearly for the Temple Mount is the place for the third Temple to be re-built in the end days as there must exist a temple during the seven year tribulation period in the near future.

(Note: The second Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD as prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 24:2 where He so clearly said that "there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down.")

P/S An excellent thesis by Daniel Pipes in the Middle East Quarterly of September 2001 shows clearly the muslim claim to Jerusalem is puzzling and problematic against known Islamic traditions (read here).

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