

Last Update: 18 June 2013

Eschatology is the study of End Time prophecies. However, to know what God is going to do at the end of times, we must know what He did from the very beginning. Only then can we understand His plan as He unfolds and reveals to us all His will for mankind and also very specifically to the Church and to Israel.

Click on the links of each topic to read the articles.

1.  What is Bible Prophecy - As an introduction, we shall begin with the fundamental understanding of how God reveals history in advance which is called prophecy.

2.  The Fulfilment of Prophecies regarding the 1st Coming of Jesus Christ - This forms the basis for our hermeneutics, the science of interpretation of Scriptures, and that prophecies are fulfilled literally. Read Hermeneutics - Your Method of Interpretation Matters.

3.  The Promised Land - We begin with the calling of Abraham in Gen 12 and this is also the reason why there is so much turbulence in the Middle East. Understanding what God covenanted with Abraham and his descendants is very crucial to our appreciation of why only the Israelites can make a claim for the land of Israel.

3a. What about Ishmael? - One common question pertains to another of Abraham's son by the name of Ishmael. The Muslims erroneously claim that Muhammad is a descendant of Ishmael and somehow attempts to find the links to Abraham along the way to justify his claims. So who exactly is Ishmael and how he fits into the entire picture of the Promised Land.

4.  Two Covenants by God on the Promised Land - God made two very important covenants regarding the Promised Land. One with Abraham and the other through Moses. By understanding that these are two very different covenants will help us appreciate why the children of Israel were dispossessed of the land.

5.  The Captivity - While enjoying the land that God had given to the children of Israel, they eventually disobeyed God. In that disobedience, God eventually took them out of the land by force as a fulfillment of prophecy for a period of 70 years. God keeps a very accurate account of how many Sabbaths the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah owes God. They are viewed as one nation although separated by the tribes, 10 in the north and 2 in the south.

6.  Daniel in Captivity in Babylon - The book of Daniel stumps skeptics on the historical accuracy written by Daniel. They claim that the book was written way after the events happened but Christians claim it was written before.

7.  The Dream of King Nebuchadnezzar - This dream unfolds the historical drama of the world empires that affect Israel and is prophetic as it revealed kingdoms beyond the time of Nebuchadnezzar and way into the end times yet unfulfilled today.

8.  Daniel's Vision of the Beasts - This is another affirmation that the world empires are unfolding and alludes to the Little Horn who will be revealed in the last days. Re: Daniel 7.

9.  Daniel's 70 Weeks - The Return to Jerusalem, The Presentation and Death of the Messiah, and the final 7 years of tribulation. The breakdown of 69 weeks from the return to Jerusalem all the way to the day of the presentation of the Messiah to the Jews are given in prophecy. There now remains one last week, commonly known as Daniel's 70th week, which outlines the last 7 years of God's dealing with the Jews. We now live in between the 69th and the 70th week of Daniel. Re: Daniel 9.

10.  The Olivet Discourse - The confidential briefing of Jesus to 4 disciples on the Mount of Olives. Jesus tells of the Destruction of Jerusalem as well as signs of the end times. He also tells us to watch the budding of the fig tree and understand the Days of Noah.

11.  The 2nd Regathering of Israel - After the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, most of the Jews were scattered to the ends of the world. This is also known as the diaspora. Remember the first captivity where the Jews were taken to the Assyrian and Babylonian kingdoms. The second being the dispersion. At this time, Jews were everywhere and not in the Promised Land. The 2nd Regathering refers to how God fulfilled His prophecies to bring back the children of Israel from the four corners of the earth and how God's hand was all over history to shape the fulfillment in the formation of the state of Israel in 1948. Only then can we appreciate the Middle East crisis.

12.  Who are the Palestinians: A Biblical View - As an overlay of the Jewish history, we trace the origins of the so-called Palestinian people. Are Palestinians part of the Arab people? There is a biblical history of Esau, Edomites, Agagites, Amalekites, Idumeans and today the name of Palestinian comes to be used. There was never a Palestine state in world history but there are the relatives of Israel living alongside them all this while who were after their blood because of what Jacob did to Esau. Also read Gingrich: The Palestinians are an invented people and Questions we must ask about the Palestinian people.

13.  Introduction to the Book of Revelation - Many take an allegorical view of this book which turns it into a satire of moral struggle rather than God's plan revealed in prophecy. We explore why this book must be written by the apostle John on his exile in the Isle of Patmos and why this book is a blessing to all who reads it. The difficulty of understanding this book stems from an incorrect perspective of reading as most of us use our 21st century glasses and non-Jewish knowledge to understand the revelation of Jesus Christ. This book is actually the expansion of the 70th week of Daniel and how God deals with the Jewish nation for the last 7 years before the next Kingdom.

14.  The Two Major Wars Yet To Happen - We take a closer look at Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 and 39 to understand what exactly these wars are about as well as the construct of those wars as to why it has not happened yet. Once we get a handle of this understanding, we can then begin to see how God is setting the stage to usher in the fulfillment of these prophecies. Read Psalm 83: The End of the Palestinian Conflict?  and Ezekiel 38 & 39: The Russian Confederation of Islamic Nations?

15.  The Rapture or Harpazo - This is a pre-tribulation view but regardless of the timing, the Harpazo is a very important picture of the Marriage of the Lamb which is the Jewish wedding. The feasts of Israel are also crucial to map how God has unveiled His plan thus far. But what will the world make of this spectacular event when it happens? Could it be a major alien abduction? What will happen to the US? When the Rapture occurs, can you imagine the horror, the surprise, the chaos and the excuses given?

16.  The Richness of Israel and the reason for Ezekiel 38-39 War - Many of the Islamic nations surrounding Israel are rich with oil reserves. The land of Israel was a barren patch before 1948 but now is fertile as God has promised them. But is this enough for its enemies to want to conquer Israel? Or is there more to it? Does Israel possess a hidden reserve of oil and gas to become a target of its enemies?

17.  Revelation 4 through 20 - The 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 7 bowls. The 2 Suppers, Armageddon, the Great White Throne judgment, the Millenium Kingdom and the Final War.

18.  Revelation 21 through 22 - The New Heaven and New Earth, the New Jerusalem. What is it? God with man on Earth forever?

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