
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Rosetta Probes Comet to Find Source of Earth's Water

Launched in 2004, the space probe Rosetta was sent to learn if Comet 67P holds the secret of seeding water on Earth. Evolutionists believe that water is crucial to the spontaneous generation of life and that such water must have come from outer space. They are hoping to find the crucial chemicals that may have made up the formation of life on Earth on the comet. (Read here)

Scientists is expecting Rosetta to chart the surface of the comet so that they can send a landing probe in November this year towards the comet. Its gravity is too weak to land and the probe will have to harpoon to anchor a landing.

Furthermore, ESA’s Website adds: “Did life on Earth begin with the help of comet seeding? Rosetta may help us to find the answer to this fundamental question.”

Comets are more like dirty snowball and not stars. Scientists acknowledge that and there are less than 4,000 comets orbiting the sun at the last count in 2010. The tail of a comet is really the evaporation of the ice creating a trail that always points away from the sun.

If the universe is 20 billion years old, all comets will have disappeared since the estimated lifespan of comets is between 10,000 to 12,000 years. Hence, the Oort Cloud theory came about to explain a theoretical cloud beyond the distance that can be viewed that will spawn new comets to spit back into our solar system. More imaginary than science. Cannot be observed nor tested. How then can we explain the existence of comets?

According to Dr Walt Brown, his Hydroplate theory ( explains the comets are formed during Noah's flood about 4,500 years ago when all the fountains of the deep broke (Gen 7). Many bodies and water were ejected at such high power that escaped the Earth's gravity causing craters on the side of the moon facing Earth as well as on Mars. The rest that escaped formed comets and asteroids and appears to be returning home if the theory is true.

As a prediction, when the probe examines the comet it is chasing, scientists will only find elements that are already found on Earth and nothing more since the theory suggests that comets came from the Earth. In fact, there may be life forms like bacteria and other microscopic sea life that remained in the comet while traversing space. They will also discover the life forms on the comet not evolved and will be very similar, if not alike, as those existing on Earth. So far, the meteoroids have revealed facts consistent with the Hydroplate theory. What about the comets?

It is not possible for comets to retain water for billions of years. Their weak gravity will allow water to escape and faster when nearer to the sun. They will surely disappear soon enough, in less than 10,000 years for those we can observe in our solar system.

We anticipate with excitement to see if Dr Brown's theory holds true or if life was really seeded by comets as the evolution scientists expects.

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