
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Iran Remains On Course Of Nuclear Plan

Many Western leaders are duped to think that the new Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani, is any better than the previous President Ahmadinejad. Iran will never give up their nuclear goal and any hint of brokering a halt to Iran arming themselves with a nuclear weapon are lies.

The Iranian leaders from the Ayatollah to the President to the main Islamic sect are from the Shia school and opposes the Suni school which forms the 85% of the Islamic believers. They believe in the last Imam (12th) and is called the Mahdi, the Islamic version of the "Messiah". Their nuclear goal is to cause a conflagration to usher in the Mahdi and it is religious in nature. They believe this conflagration can be started by a nuclear attack on Israel.

When we understand that their aspiration is religious and their behavior is shaped by their commitment to their Quran, Allah and Muhammad, no amount of talks and brokering will change their minds. No amount of actual meetings, UN sanctions, nuclear disarmament actions, and even threats of attacks on Iran can stop their will nor break their zeal to build their nuclear bomb. Any willingness to discuss and meet are shows to deceive, delay and distract from their nuclear plans which will not stop until their goal is attained.

At the same time, we should also be aware that the Suni Islamic nations led by Saudi Arabia are very wary and afraid of the Shia Iran gaining such power that can be used on them as well. Quietly, they are urging the UN and US to stop Iran but rhetorics will not overcome them.

Israel can only depend on themselves to defend their tiny nation. And they have resigned to this fact that US under Obama will not do anything to help Israel. In fact, Obama will probably do everything to weaken Israel.

One thing is for sure. YHWH will protect Israel to ensure His plans will happen in the end days. As He has protected them in the past, He will surely protect them in the present and not let Satan thwart His plans for the future.

Read Psalm 83 and see what God has said about the impending war on Israel.

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