
Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Sixth Day - Part 1

Genesis 1

24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

After God created the environment to sustain life on Earth, He made the sea life and winged life on the fifth day. And on the sixth day, the land life was created. Up to this time, all creation was done by God's Word - "and God said". Remember, in John 1, the Word is Jesus Christ, God the Son.

On this sixth day, all the land creatures were created. They were broadly noted as living creature from the earth. We shall take a closer look at the living creatures as described in Day 5 and Day 6 and consider that plant life created on Day 3 is different from these living creatures.

According to the Word of God, there is a difference between plant life and animal and human life. Throughout the Bible, the Hebrew words nephesh chayyâh are used to describe human and animal life. When referring to mankind, nephesh chayyâh means “living soul” or “soulish creature,” and when it refers to animals, it means “living creature.” However, this word is never applied to plant life. There is a plain distinction. It is easy to see that plants do not experience pain, suffering, or death in the same way that humans and animals do. Their death is not the death of a “living soul” or “living creature.” Included with plants are possibly invertebrates, since they too were excluded from the nephesh chayyâh creatures. (read here).
God further elaborates that these land based living creatures are categorized as:
  • cattle - possibly those that are domesticated or herded
  • creeping thing - reptilian type, possibly includes dinosaurs
  • beast of the earth - everything else to cover those that are not particularly important to man's life in later years
And God so determined that all these living creatures are to reproduce after its kind. This ensures that every life that God had created until this day will continue to reproduce and to do so after its kind and not become something else that God did not make it to be. This is a clear blow to the theory of evolution as God has so designed all life to continue to be what it is and today, we know that the boundaries of the kind is determined by DNA.

According to DNA, the intelligent code that was embedded in all life ensures that it acts within the confines of the code. Mutation is a removal of the code, not an increase of information. As evolutionists require "good mutation" to tell the evolution story, DNA clearly denies this key pillar of evolution and it remains only as a good fairy tale story, not science. Mutation has been shown to be detrimental to life, not beneficial.

We are thankful to God that as science progresses that His handiworks of life remains a testimony to His deity, even more so to testify of His presence in our daily lives.

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