
Friday, July 5, 2013

The Fifth Day

Genesis 1

20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

God had already prepared the environment to be able to sustain animal life and man in the earlier days of creation. God made light, then dry land, then plant life, then stars, sun and moon, and now the stage is set for the ultimate plan of God for life on earth.

With light, plants can make food via photosynthesis. But reproduction of plant life also requires insects, birds and animals. This is called symbiosis. You cannot have one without the other else both will not survive. Millions of years of evolution will never work. And in turn, plant life is also food for all birds, fishes, animals and man.

The sea brought forth life in abundance. Flying creatures were also created. The bible calls them fowls or birds. Do not limit the definition to our modern day classification of the animal kingdom. Fowls or birds will also refer to creatures that fly, including pterodactyls, the flying dinosaurs and bats.

Pterodactyl fossil in a museum
In verse 21, the translation for great whales means large sea creatures which includes pliosaurs, pleisosaurs, icthyosaurs, and mososaurs.

Baby plesiosaur artist impression

Fossil plesiosaur found in Alberta, Canada

It is important to note two key points when God created the sea life and birds. They are to fill the seas and multiply in the earth. And more importantly, they are to bring forth after their kind. God leaves no ambiguity for the theory of evolution to take place. A fish will bring forth a fish. A bird will bring forth a bird. Not another kind of creature.

Evolutionists have long theorized that the whale evolved from something like a cow who mutated to such an extent over millions of years and walked away from land to live in the water. You can see how preposterous such theory sounds but yet many intelligent people still prefers such explanations rather than believing that God made them exactly the way they are.

At the same time, evolutionists also theorized that birds evolved from dinosaurs. Small dinosaurs mutated such that their bones hollowed out, their hair became feathers, learnt to fly and developed a homing compass over millions of years. There is no fossil evidence nor any scientific evidence of any kind to support. In fact, we have encountered fraudulent reports like the ‘Archaeoraptor liaoningensis’ which was really combined from the body and head of a birdlike creature and the tail of a different dinosaur (Sloan, C.P., Feathers for T. Rex?, National Geographic 196(5):98–107, November 1999). For a more complete dissertation of this hoax by Answers In Genesis, read here.

An artist impression of the dinosaur-to-bird missing link Archaeraptor lianingensis taken from here

No sea creatures nor birds ever evolved. The bible is clear. And science proves it through DNA.

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