
Friday, April 26, 2013

Faith Foundations in Genesis

As you open to your bibles to Genesis chapters 1 through 4, you should soon realize that many of our church doctrines find their basis right here. God tells us what happened at the beginning of creation and the history of mankind. Understanding this should make us want to study Genesis even more. This is a brief list of 43 items.
  1. God is our Creator - Gen 1:1, 26-27
  2. God made us vegetarians - Gen 1:29-30
  3. God made everything in 6 days - Gen 1:31, Ex 20:11
  4. Everything God made then was VERY GOOD - Gen 1:31
  5. God instituted the sabbath on the 7th day - Gen 2:3, Ex 20:8-11
  6. God made man a living soul, different from animals, in His own image - Gen 2:7
  7. God planted a garden and placed man there - Gen 2:8
  8. There were 2 special trees in the garden to test man - Gen 2:9
  9. God gave man clear instructions, man can understand what God said - gift of language - Gen 2:16-17
  10. Adam gave names to all the animals - Gen 2:20
  11. God made woman for man as his help meet - Gen 2:20a
  12. 1st surgery is on Adam to take out his rib - Gen 2:21
  13. God made the woman from the rib of man - Gen 2:22
  14. Adam called her Woman, 1st name given to the woman - Gen 2:23
  15. The institution of marriage - Gen 2:24, Mat 19:4-6
  16. Man and woman were naked at the beginning and not ashamed - Gen 2:25
  17. 1st temptation is by the serpent - Gen 3:1-5
  18. Earliest recorded conversation is the temptation - Gen 3:1-5
  19. 1st doubt casted was on the word of God ("hath God said...") - Gen 3:1
  20. 1st deception was on the woman - Gen 3:5, 1 Tim 2:14
  21. 1st sin or the original sin - Gen 3:6
  22. 1st realization of sin, nakedness and shame - Gen 3:7, 10
  23. 1st mention of clothing - Gen 3:7, 21
  24. 1st death of an animal implied by coats of skin - Gen 3:21
  25. God had a personal relationship with man - Gen 3:9
  26. 1st blames, man to woman, woman to serpent - Gen 3:12-13
  27. Curse to the serpent - Gen 3:14
  28. Declaration of a spiritual war - Gen 3:15
  29. 1st prophecy, salvation for man - Gen 3:15
  30. Curse to the woman - Gen 3:16
  31. Curse to the man - Gen 3:17, 19
  32. Curse to nature, thorns and thistles - Gen 3:18
  33. Death is sure, dying you shall die - Gen 3:19
  34. 2nd name of the woman, Eve - Gen 3:20
  35. God says man is like God, knowing good and evil - Gen 3:22
  36. God does not want man to live in sin forever - Gen 3:22
  37. God's plan of salvation begins by casting man out of the garden away from the tree of life - Gen 3:23-24
  38. 1st birth, Cain - Gen 4:1
  39. 1st offerings to God - Gen 4:3-4
  40. 1st murder, Cain slew Abel - Gen 4:8
  41. 1st lie by man after the garden of Eden - Gen 4:9
  42. 1st criminal investigation is by God - Gen 4:10-11
  43. Early civilization is very advanced, contrary to modern claims - Gen 4:17-22

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