
Friday, April 26, 2013

Early Civilization in Genesis 4

Man was not created stupid. Man was not created uncivilized. On the contrary, man was created very smart, intelligent and very civilized. When God created Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed into him the breath of life, Adam can speak, name the animals, get married all in a single day. He lived a very long life of 930 years with such a high IQ.

But sin spoiled all these beautiful works of God in man. Nevertheless, such IQ in man was passed down to the next generation and the next generation. They were still very smart. Given the discovery of their intelligence, many people just cannot accept this as it goes against the theory of evolution that man started as dumb and now is the smartest.

The bible is the only book that can tell us how early man was and where they came from and what they did. Many of the knowledge of man like engineering, domestication of animals, music, metallurgy, were not evolved or discovered by chance. Somehow they knew and this knowledge must have come from God, either directly or through Adam. Also notice that they all spoke the same language and it did not evolve from grunts and groans.

Genesis 4 

17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city [construction], and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.

Soon after Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden of Eden, Cain, the first born of Adam committed the first murder and was made an outcast. In v17, it is recorded that Cain had engineering knowledge and was able to construct a city. Of course, it was not like our present day city but a conglomerate of dwelling places. It appears that they knew how to build walls, roof, roads, etc to comprise of an early township. These were not tents, they were fixed dwellings. And this implies that society was very civilized when many people were able to live together.

20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents [nomadic], and of such as have cattle [herdsmen, domestication of animals].

Other descendents of Cain were nomadic tribesmen. They dwelt in tents. Not only that, they were herdsmen. There was already the knowledge of domestication of animals. These herdsmen moved from place to place for the cattle to feed. Hence, their dwelling places must be mobile and they lived in tents. However, man did not eat meat until after the flood. The only known purpose of cattle will be for their skin. Cattle does not only imply cows but sheep and goat. Hence, early man had the means of building sturdy and large tents as well as clothing for themselves.

21 And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ [invention of music and instruments].

Jabal's brother, Jubal, invented musical instruments and obviously music. We can see that these people were very "civilized", not cavemen but musically talented as well. Music did not evolved, neither did musical instruments. The bible here describes those instruments as stringed (harp) and wind (organ) enabled.

22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass [an alloy – copper + zinc] and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah.

Finally, to the surprise of anthropologist, early man were not dumb and stupid. They were experts in using metal. Here, the bible mentions brass and iron. Brass is an alloy made of copper and zinc. They knew their metals well. And knowing how to use iron allowed them to construct large structures and weaponry.

Man were very smart at the early recording of history. They were not apemen or cavemen as evolutionist would have us believe. Looking at Genesis 4, we can tell that they were very advanced indeed. The reason is simple. They didn't discover by accident. They had the advance knowledge passed down by Adam, the first man, whom God made to be very special.

Adam was created an adult, knew how to speak, give names to animals, commune with God, married very shortly and even able to live off the ground after the garden. His IQ must have been the highest possible and if you lived as long as Adam did for 930 years (Gen 5:5), you may just learn a bit of chemistry, biology, physics, economics, medicine, etc during these years. Adam was the superhuman. We are a pale shadow of him now. And he must have been passing his knowledge to his children and his children's children during these 930 years.

We can now see that man is decaying. We are not getting better, we are getting worse. But evolutionists will have us believe that man is now in our pinnacle and man got better and better from early apemen and cavemen until modern man today.

Who will you believe - man or God?

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