
Monday, June 4, 2012

Romney vs Obama? OMG!

The verdict is out. The Republicans have their Presidential Candidate in Mitt Romney and he will stand against the most likely Democrat candidate in Barack Hussein Obama, the incumbent President of the United States of America.

What is happening in the US? Can't the Americans find any better candidates than these out of over 300 million people?

Mitt Romney is a devout Mormon so will he legalize polygamy? Can he stand up to Obama and the world on the support of honor of Israel?

Barack Obama just announced support for gay marriages, the first by a US President. And it should no longer be a surprise. US is no longer a Christian state. It has become a secular state with a President who is either a nominal Christian or a closet Muslim who has been questioned if he is really a natural born American given that nobody knows of his real birth as alleged in Hawaii. News has it that his father is not an American citizen. But this has been obliterated from the media ad being politically incorrect to question Obama.

Anyway, neither of of these President and Presidential Candidate appear to be able to reestablish the US as a superpower as we used to know. Some have even gone as far as saying if Obama garners the votes for another term, it will be irreparable and the US will cease as a superpower.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Questions We Must Ask Regarding The PALESTINE State

Politicians and interested people who feel that Palestinians are the oppressed while ignoring the terrorist acts and groups in the form of the PLO and Hamas seem to have glossed over historical facts.

IQ Al-Rassooli posited some very relevant questions which all of us should honestly answer before we conclude the position of the state of Palestine and the so-called Palestinian people.

As much as many civilizations have left marks in history including the Mayans, Egyptians, Chinese, Sumerians, Assyrians and even Israel, what did the Palestinians leave in the times of history for us to understand?

Here are more questions to ponder (for more, read here).

  • When was the country of Palestine founded and by whom?
  • Where did the Palestinian people originate from?