
Friday, December 30, 2011

Israel has tangible evidence to their claim of the Temple Mount

For a few years now, the Mufti of Jerusalem has publicly denied that the Jewish Temple ever existed on the Temple Mount. Back in 2010, Muhammad Hussein said on PA TV:
“They [the Jews] claim that the Al-Aqsa Mosque was built over the ruins of the alleged Temple. The construction of these buildings [by Israel], and the synagogues with the large, wide domes [in Jerusalem] – all of this is meant to erase the remains of the Islamic culture and to replace them with [their] alleged culture, through the power of occupation.” (read here)
This is called "Temple Denial" and has been cultivated since the 1967 Six Day War. This so-called Temple Denial goes against all historical evidence including those of the Classic Islamic literature (read here).

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Are Palestinians part of the Arab people?

We keep hearing that Palestinians are Arabs and the Palestinians do claim to be Arabs. If so, then why are their Arab brethren not accepting them into their fold but leaving them as refugees across Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon? They are living in tents across the region including in the so-called West Bank and Gaza.

If the Palestinians are Arabs, then their Arab brethren are doing them a disservice by leaving them in the cold and preserving the reason for a claim of territory for over 60 years. Why must the Palestinians suffer being stateless while their Arab brethren cheer them on?

Gingrich: Palestinians are an "invented" people

Read: Washington Post 9-December-2011

Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich said in a cable television interview that Palestininans are an “invented” people with no apparent right to their own state, a rejection of a decade of bipartisan U.S. foreign policy calling for an independent Palestinian state.

“Remember, there was no Palestine as a state. It was part of the Ottoman Empire. We have invented the Palestinian people, who are in fact Arabs and are historically part of the Arab people, and they had the chance to go many places.”

“For a variety of political reasons,” Gingrich continued, “we have sustained this war against Israel now since the 1940s, and I think it’s tragic.”

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Will Israel bomb Iran?


This fear is now persisting greater than ever before since Israel last bombed out Iran's nuclear reactor in 1981. Iran is pushing faster towards the building of a nuclear warhead.

Planet found orbiting habitable zone of sun-like star

MOFFET FIELD, California, Dec 6 —The most Earth-like planet ever discovered is circling a star 600 light years away, a key finding in an ongoing quest to learn if life exists beyond Earth, scientists said yesterday. 
The planet, called Kepler-22b, joins a list of more than 500 planets found to orbit stars
beyond our solar system. It is the smallest and the best positioned to have liquid water on its surface —among the ingredients necessary for life on Earth. 
“We are homing in on the true Earth-sized, habitable planets,” said San Jose State University astronomer Natalie Batalha, deputy science team lead for NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope that discovered the star.

It is indeed a fallacy that scientists believe finding a liquid water surface planet will somehow prove the existence of life beyond planet Earth.