
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Will Israel bomb Iran?


This fear is now persisting greater than ever before since Israel last bombed out Iran's nuclear reactor in 1981. Iran is pushing faster towards the building of a nuclear warhead.

The escalation of rhetorics from Israel thinking out loud this possibility is deafening. Economic sanctions against Iran by many powerful nations like USA, Canada and UK are a present attempt to force Iran's nuclear program to a halt.

Iran's ally, Russia, is clearly against any sanctions. Iran is also unlikely to halt its nuclear program which has gone underground literally speaking.

Iran maintains that its nuclear program is peaceful and is not arming itself with nuclear weapons. However, in such an oil rich country where oil is on the cheap for fuel, there is absolutely no need for a nuclear power source for fuel.

Viewed together with the pronouncements of Iran's president Ahmadinejad bent on wiping out Israel, one cannot fault Israel's hard stance that this is in defense of Israel's very existence.

Although Israel is not likely to force a preemptive strike on Iran anytime very soon, the possibility is ever growing and if it does happen, it will cause a serious imbalance in the Middle East. The US is afraid of retaliation against US targets in the Middle East and as it stands today, Israel is also unlikely to inform its staunchest ally, the US, if they will force a preemptive strike against Iran.

The general thinking is that even if Israel is successful in striking Iran's nuclear reactors, it will probably set them back 2 years or so only.

It now appears that regardless what Israel or any other powerful nations were to do against Iran, their nuclear program will not halt and is most likely to complete. It is only a matter of time.

This brings us to the biblical prophecy of Ezekiel 38 and 39 where modern day Persia is Iran along with numerous Muslim nations as can be identified today as allies led by modern day Magog which is identified as Russia. This prophecy appears to allude to a nuclear war erupting against Israel and fought in the mountains of Israel and when there are no walls in Israel and they have peace. The war is to win over the spoils of Israel.

If you believe in God's prophecy of Israel in Ezekiel 38, you can now see the stage being set up in the form of Iran's nuclear program succeeding and Russia their ally in full support of it.

Nothing that any nation is doing or wanting to do can seem to stop Iran now. The US has conceded that it is a matter of time before Iran is successful to become the next nuclear armed country. It does appear that amongst the list of countries prophesied in Ezekiel 38, we have Persia now building their nuclear weapons pushing this prophecy closer to its fulfillment.

And with new found shale oil and natural gas in huge quantity, Israel may soon have reserves of oil and gas greater than even Saudi Arabia. Perhaps that will give more reasons for other nations to attack Israel.

Watch this event between Iran, Israel, Russia and the Muslim nations coalition which includes Libya. The removal of Gaddafi may allow the Muslim Brotherhood to stage their dominance in Libya along with their emerging success in Egypt.

Of course, we still are quite aware that there is no real peace for Israel today but there are at least 3 peace treaties between Israel and her neighbors of Egypt, Syria and Jordan which have never been enforced. Peace will come when "the Prince that shall come" (Dan 9:26) will "confirm the covenant with many for one week" (Dan 9:27). The stage is set for this to happen.

Also study Psalms 83 together with this event happening as we watch God's prophetic stage being set for fulfilment in the near future. Perhaps there may be some peace for Israel in the post-war period of Psalms 83 but before Ezekiel 38.

As you can see, we are truly living in the end times. Bible prophecies will be fulfilled.

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