
Creation Science

Last Update: 13 July 2013

Many Christians are stumped by skeptics and atheists using the Theory of Evolution to show that biblical creation is unscientific. However, the reverse is true. Remember that evolution is a theory and remains a theory that has yet to be proven over the past 150 years. This theory has also evolved since the days of Charles Darwin and is quite different from his thesis in "Origin of Species". His theory of the "Tree of Life" and "Natural Selection - survival of the fittest" has been proven to be wrong by science especially the studies of genome DNA.

At the same time, many Christians have tried to harmonize and embrace evolution as if it was a scientific fact. In so doing, they make the mistakes of linguistic gymnastics as well as theological errors of spinning new theories to accommodate the theory of evolution. Case in point is the so-called Gap Theory placing billions of years between verses 1 and 2 of Genesis Chapter 1.

Study the accompanying articles and come to your own conclusions with regards to biblical creation. Where it refers to science, it is accurate and it is scientific. God is the only One who knows exactly what happened at the very beginning of creation. And He is the only One who knows exactly what will happen at the end of the world. Because He tells us the end from the beginning.

The combination of Creation Science and Eschatology will assist you to further appreciate the Word of God and we trust will deepen your faith in God. This section is intended to equip you with questions for the evolutionists to consider the fallacy of their assertions that their theory claimed to be scientific.

Eventually, you must decide whether you accept God's creation account or man's theory of evolution. And each has its own consequence.

Introduction - there are a few key areas to cover before we launch into the creation account in Genesis.
a) Who Wrote Genesis?
b) Can we reconcile the evolution theory to Genesis 1?

1. 20 Logic Errors used by Evolutionists - equip yourself to know how to spot errors to stump you in the discussion regarding origins. They are the most commonly used in their arguments but rest assured, God's word is always true and accurate.

2. Foundations of Faith in Genesis - most of our church doctrines originate from the book of Genesis. After all, Genesis is the record given by God of what happened in the beginning of the creation of the world. You will be astounded to know that there are many things of faith which finds their basis in this book. Reading Chapters 1 to 4 in light of this should open your eyes to a renewed interest to study God's word.

3. Early civilization is advance - contrary to modern day beliefs, early man was very advanced and did not spend millions of years getting civilized and growing more intelligent. Early civilization had construction, herd people, music and musical instruments and knows how to use alloy and iron. And this was soon after Cain became an outcast.

4. The Big Bang Theory - not the sitcom but the so-called scientific theory to explain the origin of the universe. You must at least have an understanding of what the theory postulates so that you can appreciate what God tells us in Genesis 1. Then you can see why the theory of evolution and what God says in Genesis 1 cannot be harmonized at all. Based on this theory, scientists have been scouring the universe to look for a place similar to Earth thinking they can find life there. One such case is Kepler-22b which revolves around a sun-like star that was recently discovered. But there is no life there except on Earth.

5. In the beginning God - we begin with the first verse of the first chapter in our bible. Only God can tell us what actually happened at the very beginning.

6. The Gap Theory - God does not need us to explain how to fit the geologic column or the dinosaurs and the billions of years into His word. There are severe flaws in the Gap Theory and is not necessary to understand and explain the evolution challenges thrown at Christians.

7.  The First Day - God formed the Earth and was covered with water, unformed and unfilled. It was dark and no one can see what God is doing. Then God said "Let there be light" and there was light. God made visible light so that we can now follow the order of creation of the world from the very first day. God is Light and we should appreciate that light is a spectrum of magnetic waves. It is at this time that God enable us to see what God is creating. And then the Earth made its first rotation forming evening and morning.

8.  The Second Day - God divided the waters from the waters, forming the atmosphere called the firmament. God is preparing the environment for the impending arrival of life. There are theories of where the waters may be separated to. One of them is the Canopy Theory that supposedly protected the Earth with a green house effect until Noah's flood. We should also be aware that the original world is quite different from ours. We must appreciate the difference coming from the time when God destroyed the world with the flood. The world that then was is has the capacity to enable life to live longer, stronger and bigger. There was a hyperbaric type of atmosphere that contains 50% more Oxygen and probably 20% higher atmospheric pressure than today.

9.  The Third Day - God gather the waters together and pushed up the land beneath the waters upwards to form dry land. Life began on this day. God made the Plant Life in preparation to receive Animal Life and Man in the coming days. Plants will serve as food as well as the source of oxygen needed for life to exist. It is by design, not by chance. And DNA is clearly introduced here, the plants to reproduce after his kind.

10. The Fourth Day - God made the stars, sun and moon and all the heavenly bodies of the universe. Contrary to stellar evolution, God made these lights for very specific purposes. And then there was the Mazzaroth and naming of the stars.

11. The Fifth Day - God made the sea creatures and the flying creatures. And they were to reproduce after their kind. DNA is God's way of ensuring that one type of animal does not become another type. This intelligent code is evidence of God's wisdom and intelligence in His creation work.

12. The Sixth Day Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 - God made the land creatures including the dinosaurs on this day. They were to reproduce after their kind and again the building blocks of DNA were used to confine the reproduction only after their kind. Finally, God made Man, both male and female, in His own image. God the Trinity made Man in a special way different from the rest of the animal kingdom. And God gave Man dominion over the earth, essentially, to be responsible to manage the creation that God had made on earth.

13. Dinosaurs in the Bible - it has become very clear now that dinosaurs are referenced in the Bible and that evidences have surfaced to show that dinosaurs lived with man a long time ago. This is consistent with what God tells us regarding He creating the dinosaurs with man. Enter the Dragon tells of recent discovery of dinosaurs that looked like dragons. Furthermore, evolutionists are always surprised by Out-of-Place Fossils because they keep finding animals and plants they thought were extinct millions of years ago.


- to be continued -

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