
Monday, April 22, 2013

The 2 Covenants on the Promised Land

There are actually two covenant that God made regarding the Promised Land. If we can understand this, then we can see how God is working to bring the Jews back to the Land.

The first is commonly called the Abrahamic Covenant because it was made with Abraham to give him the land.

The second is commonly called the Mosaic Covenant because it was revealed by Moses before the Israelites entered Canaan to possess the land.

1.  Abrahamic Covenant

This is known as the Land Title Covenant and is in perpetuity. God made this covenant without any conditions. God blessed Abraham and his descendants unconditionally according the land to them. This was made around 2000 BC. Refer to Gen 15:18-21.

2.  Mosaic Covenant

This is known as the Land Use Covenant and is conditional. It has conditions attached to possessing and using the land and if broken, they can be dispossessed and cursed. Refer to Deut 28 to 30.

Some believe that once dispossessed that Israel will never regain the land. This is incorrect as the Land Title is in perpetuity. The Mosaic Covenant refers to the terms and conditions when they can enjoy the land.

Consider this example. A father is giving a car to his son.

"Son, here is the car registration card to your new car," says the father proudly. "The car is really yours."

"But", continues the father. "You must always be home before 12 midnight, no squealing the tires and no speeding tickets. For if you do, I will ground you for 2 weeks" quips the father.

The car is legally registered to the son. But when the son broke the rules of usage, he was grounded and cannot use the car. But the car nevertheless remains his as the ownership was never affected. Only the usage. After the grounding period, the son can use the car again but the terms of usage remains.

Same goes to the Israelites regarding the Promised Land. If they broke the usage conditions, they can be removed from the land. But the land nevertheless belongs to them. The only thing is that they will not get to use it. One day, God will bring them back to the land if they are no longer there.

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