
Saturday, April 27, 2013

In the beginning God

Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

God is very clear in telling us the following:
a) who caused the creation - God Himself
b) creation of time - beginning of creation (some believe that time always existed)
c) creation of space - heaven
d) creation of matter - earth

God refutes the big bang theory right from the very first verse of the bible. It is not some unknown ancient energy that caused the origin of the universe. It is God Himself who created everything from nothing.

Only God who was at the very beginning can tell us because He is the only eye witness to account for the origin of the universe and of life itself.

God tells us that He made time, space and matter, all three which must exist at the same time in order for existence of the universe to happen. If there is no time, when did it take place? If there is no space, where did you put the creation? If there is no matter, what is the creation made up of?

God is the creator of this universe and only He can tell us exactly what He did. And that will be consistent with real science.

Stephen Hawking who recently published his latest book entitled "The Grand Design" attempted to dabble in philosophy instead of science and he did so poorly. He defended the big bang theory with no explanation given to where did time, space and matter come from as well as all the laws that govern what happened after the explosion. He did this to explain away the need for God. He just have to believe that time, space and matter existed somehow and that is faith, albeit blind faith. It is not science. And God must be laughing at him now.

Christians who try to harmonize evolution with Genesis argues that God is the creator but He used the big bang to create. An honest reading of Genesis 1:1 is clear that God did not intend for any theory like the big bang to be used to explain His mighty acts of creation. They also contend why God cannot use the big bang to create the universe. This is not the right question to ask. It is not about whether God can or cannot but rather did He do that.

So, either you believe in the beginning God or in the beginning dirt! Your choice.
On a side note, some has commented that in the modern English translations (NIV, NASB etc), the word "heavens" in the plural is used instead of the singular. The KJV uses the singular but so do the English translations of the Jewish bibles (JPS, etc). 

Apparently, the word שמים (shamayim) can be translated as plural or singular. In this case, the word is in the plural to depict the expanse rather than multiples. For example, we use the word "skies" to show the expanse and not many types of sky. As a more detailed explanation for heaven was depicted later in verses 8 and 14 (modern translation uses the singular here although it is the same word as in verse 1) showing a distinction of two heavens, it may be more accurate to use the singular in verse 1.

For a more detailed discourse, read here.

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