
Monday, April 22, 2013

1st Coming of Jesus Christ - Prophecies Fulfilled

We are all very familiar with the bible verses regarding the 1st coming of Jesus Christ. We are duly reminded in the Christmas and Easter messages how Jesus is the one who has fulfilled all the Scripture regarding himself as spoken in the Old Testament.

Some has counted up to 333 verses of the Old Testament that Jesus himself has fulfilled. This defies probability statistics. This fulfilment only points to God working in bringing His plan to our reality through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha-Mashiach.

Here is a partial list of fulfilled prophecies by Jesus.

The reason we know that these prophecies were fulfilled is because they happened exactly as were prophesied.

There is no ambiguity, is not a fulfilment in concept, not a general idea of fulfilment. It happened exact as God said through His prophets.

In short, the fulfilment of the prophecies regarding the 1st Coming of Jesus Christ was LITERAL.

That will mean the the fulfilment of the prophecies regarding the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ will also be LITERAL.

Which goes to tell us that when we study the bible regarding End Time prophecies, we should interpret it LITERALLY as well unless it is clearly symbolic.

Let God's word interpret itself for God says what He means and means what He says.

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