Saturday, December 24, 2011

Planet found orbiting habitable zone of sun-like star

MOFFET FIELD, California, Dec 6 —The most Earth-like planet ever discovered is circling a star 600 light years away, a key finding in an ongoing quest to learn if life exists beyond Earth, scientists said yesterday. 
The planet, called Kepler-22b, joins a list of more than 500 planets found to orbit stars
beyond our solar system. It is the smallest and the best positioned to have liquid water on its surface —among the ingredients necessary for life on Earth. 
“We are homing in on the true Earth-sized, habitable planets,” said San Jose State University astronomer Natalie Batalha, deputy science team lead for NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope that discovered the star.

It is indeed a fallacy that scientists believe finding a liquid water surface planet will somehow prove the existence of life beyond planet Earth.

Our planet of abode was so created uniquely apart from other celestial bodies that God had so created on Day 4. Earth was created on Day 1 (Gen 1).

Evolutionists believe that finding water will give the basis of spontaneous evolution happening, if not already happened. Little do they tell us that whatever amino acids "formed" in a way yet unexplained, the existence of water will oxidize it. But without water, there is no oxygen to support life. Either way, with the presence of water, we cannot have life evolving as explained by evolutionists.

Furthermore, Earth is special because of the placement from the Sun and other planets. 10% nearer to the Sun will burn up all life. 10% further away will kill all life with the cold.

The Moon was put in place to ensure that the tides exist to keep the water in motion. Otherwise, stagnant water will kill life.

There are many more factors that must be in place ALL AT THE SAME TIME in order for life to exist. It is not by accident that we are here on Earth. God created all things in His wisdom and that is far greater than we can ever fathom.

Hence, such news from the media merely shows how fixated evolutionists are to finding a liquid water planet and stays blinded to all other life sustaining factors that must all exist at the same time.

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