
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Earthquakes, Radioactivity and Volcanoes - God's Judgment

Gen 1:31 "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was VERY GOOD."


Did you ever wonder if God had made everything very good, then where did earthquakes, radioactivity, volcanoes, hurricanes, and what we call natural calamities come from?


We believe that God says what He means and means what He says. So when He says His creation was very good, it truly was indeed. Such natural calamities were not part of that original creation.

We believe when God destroyed the world and saved Noah and his family, the fountains of the great deep broke open.


Gen 7:11 "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were ALL THE FOUNTAINS OF THE GREAT DEEP BROKEN UP, and the windows of heaven were opened."

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Haeckel's Fraud Perpetuates

It is refreshing to see the fraudulent works within the scientific community being highlighted. It is unfortunate that Ernst Haeckel's illustrations of embryological stages of vertebrates published between 1868 and 1908 is still being used as proof of evolution. He wanted to convince his readers that all vertebrates share a common ancestor. His famous phrase "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" - our embryonic development repeats our evolutionary past - still finds its way into our biology text books even today. And this was disproved over a hundred years ago and Haeckel made an admission which was also part false.

Many may not know but Haekel's work were adopted by Nazism following his racist views. Haekel said that the Germans were members of a biologically superior community (akin to Nietzsche's 'super-man'). More about Haekel here.

New Scientist reviewed a book by Bob Hopwood, a science historian, who had his book recently published. The full review can be found here and reproduced in part below.


Some of the most iconic images in biology hold a dark secret. Haeckel's Embryos: Images, evolution, and fraud delves into their history

IT's embarrassing but true: some of the most influential drawings in the history of biology are wrong, exaggerated to fit a thesis.