
Monday, July 30, 2012

Obama and Romney will propagate teaching Evolution in schools

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, the two key US Presidential candidates in the coming November Presidential election, have an unbiblical stand with regards to the issue of creation of the world.

Before anyone misunderstand this issue, the primary concern is that Evolution Theory and Intelligent Design/Biblical Creation are diametrically opposed to each other. Whilst some Christians may stand up and declare that they believe that God created but used evolution to make happen the creation account, a deeper understanding of the evolution theory will show the many flaws in putting God alongside evolution.

The fact remains that evolution theory and God is incompatible and mutually exclusive. It is either "in the beginning God" or "in the beginning dirt" happened and not both. Any attempts to harmonize evolution theory with God shows a shallow understanding of the theory and a problematic knowledge of God.